Sunday, July 25, 2010

How do you feel about the amount of money spent on Sarah Palin's wardrobe, hair and makeup?

McCain was talking about how Obama shouldn't have spent all that money on his info-mercial. Oh. Alright. Should he have spent it like Sarah Palin did?How do you feel about the amount of money spent on Sarah Palin's wardrobe, hair and makeup?
It was ridiculous for her to spend that much. Obama spent more on an informercial but it was to talk about election issues, not to look good.

It WOULD cost Sarah Palin that much for that ';maverick'; to look sexy. Blah.How do you feel about the amount of money spent on Sarah Palin's wardrobe, hair and makeup?
First of all this is no ones business, second of all it was misquoted and is actually about 1/3 of that amount!!! But, I bet Obama has at least a $200,000.00 wardrobe, and I bet his wife has a $500,000.00 wardrobe. If Palin would not have had the nice clothing to wear for this campaign I am sure that obama cult followers would have whined about that too and continued with the trailer/trash slander that they should be sued for.

Let's talk about the obama facts.

He has not given proof and refuses to give proof that he is a natural citizen of the USA. Born in Africa and then accepted as a natural citizen to Indonesia proves Dual citizenship to two other country's where he has radical ties. He has no proof of citizenship to the USA and is an abomination to his profession as a Constitutional attorney.

{ The fraudulent birth certificate of Barack Obama, if said certificate is a fraud it was used in an attempt to overthrow the United States government, the illegal money laundering of Tony Rezko for both Senators Obama and Biden etc.... etc... etc.... }

I think this is over hyped. There is a certain reality about women who appear in public, have to project a persona. Katey Couric's wardrobe costs more than Brian Williams'. It would be unfair to expect a candidate for VP to foot this large bill, which is a campaign expense. If she were a male gov from Alaska with three off-the-rack suits to his name the campaign would have sent him to a tailor, as he is representing the Presidential candidate, the ticket.

P.S. She's successful, but not actually rich, at that level, and has only had real money for a few years of her life.
The RNC decided to do that, not Sarah Palin. They bought a ton of clothing, not knowing her and her family's sizes and then after fitting everyone they returned the rest to the stores.

Give it up already. How much did Obama and Michelle spend on THEIR clothes? I couldn't care less. It's not part of the issues.

Others scream racism when someone brings up Obama in a negative light but I suppose saying the things that are being said about Palin on this thread are OK because it's not racism, it's SEXISM.
It's not nearly as bad as the $140K Greek columns at the DNC or the $3 MILLION election night rally he has planned. And then we have the $800K+ he donated to ACORN, which is under investigation in over 12 states for voter fraud.

Obama is a lipsticked Marxist who has all you people fooled by his cleverly ambiguous rhetoric.
I am Probama, but I will say I think how much money Palin spends on clothes and makeup is irrelevant... or WOULD HAVE REMAINED irrelevant, if, as you say, McCain wasn't making a huge deal about money spent campaigning (which is what Palin says money on wardrobe, hair, etc is). That being so, it becomes relevant, and so, again, the McCain teams loses on points and logic.
it wasn't the taxpayers money that she spent, it was donations to the Rep campaign money that she spent. She is also donating the clothes back to charity after the election. I say she is smart? Do you see anyone asking Obama how-much money he spent on his clothes for the campaign. Why be so one sided when I bet his wardrobe was more expensive than hers
Considering that the money spent on image was one of the biggest expenditures from the GOP. that tells you their priorities.

But.. hey. It is realistic. Any actress/ celebrity needs great costuming and makeup. Her role is pretending to be a qualified reformer, etc.

Wait... she was supposed to be a candidate for office??
Palin's makeover was no question about it...excessive! She could've gone outlet shopping. I wonder if her stylist thought they were making a major motion picture. Then again, maybe Cindy Mc Cain recommended places where she shops. I've seen pictures of Palin out and about in Alaska and her outfits looked like what a school teacher would wear in a small town. Not very professional politics image wise.
There is hypocrisy in this question. The problem is this: if the RNC needed to buy clothing for her in the first place(which they did....and I'm sure Michelle Obama is having the same luxury), doesn't that say something about Palin's regular clothes? Yes...she needed to upgrade it for the election. She's not buying it...RNC is.

Oh wait....then you're gonna call her a hick if she doesn't normally wear what the govt is styling her with.... gee...such well-thought out accusations looked at from both sides.

It is free time to spend free money /not accountable /uncontrol / to both.

Two findings, I get -in the view of common sense and perosnal/ national economy.

1. It is unproductive use of money so waste/ going to drain.


2. So far it is spent right or wrong ways; it injected in economy at least some is making money.

Be happy.
Dear Mr. Spin Doctor:

The RNC bought those clothes for the party. Palin only wore a couple of their outfits. Obama has spent over $700,000 on clothes by the way.HIS OWN CLOTHES!!!

Sarah Palin did not buy the clothes. She prefers to shop in Alaska at a consignment shop.She is not keeping the clothes. They are being given to charities. Sorry your news sources did not fill you in. Stick to the real issues and quit searching for excuses.
What about the $1,000 suits that Obama wears? When Hillary was running, no one bashed her for her expensive outfits. I guess if you are a Democrats it's ok to wear expensive clothes.

Palin wears them once and donates them to charity.
Would you care to talk about Obama's $1,500 suits and $400 shoes? Or Biden's? Or McCain's? It seems terribly sexist to judge Palin on matters of appearance. But then, you resort to name-calling - the refuge of the desperate.
Hey, we can't all have naturally purple lips. Besides, you have to let people spend their money the way they want to before Obama confiscates and redistributes it for purposes he deems worthy.
Obama spent millions on his infomercial, vs. Sarah's thousands on clothes. He looked good, she looked good. She got it done for 20 times LESS money. Who do you want in charge of YOUR money?
Don't care. It's not the taxpayers money. The taxpayers' money are too busy being spent on ridiculous Democrat government programs that would make you sick if you knew they existed.
Since Palin is right about the important issues all her opponents have left are smears and complaints about her wardrobe. As you demonstrate.
considering she portrays herself as a ';down to earth'; consignment store shopper,it is contradictory. .............oh well. She's playing her own game with RNC money anyway.
No different that the money Barck-O Bama and his bun boy spent on suits, hotels and travel during their campaign. You're just parroting what the media has planted in your hollow head.
It doesn't bother me near as much as the illegal donations made to Obama so he could burn money.
WAAAAA Obama has wasted millions of dollars more campaining than the McCain camp has
what? this is ridiculous. no wonder the whole world is suffering if people waste money on these ridiculous things. is her lipstick pure gold or what?
Seriously, did you ever look at Hillary Clinton's pantsuit collection? I'm sure her wardrobe cost way more than Palin's.

Hmmm. and what about John Edward's hair cuts?

As long as she pays for all of it herself, I don't care.

And don't worry; next Wednesday morning, everyone will forget about her.
The Dear Leader's Greek Columns cost about 150K

That's what I think.
Fine, it doesn't bother me at all, hey come on she worked for it!!
She spent tax payer money to buy it all. She spent more on clothing and accessories than most families on a double income make in a year. Shame on her.
You can put as much lipstick on a pig as you want, but its still a pig!
I agree. You can put lipstick on a pig, and dress her up in $150,000 worth of clothes..... still a pig.
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