I'm in 8th grader and I need some tips on hair and makeup. I have right above the shoulder brown hair. It's curly but when I straighten it the ends curve out. How can I fix it?
Also I have hazel eyes and olive skin.How should I do my hair and makeup for school?
take the straightener after u hav straightened ur hair
then curve the straightener inward it may pull ur hair tips inward instead of completely straight
for ur eyes, i'd say some light brownish tone eyeshadow or maybe even a light pinkish color
if u go with the brown then dont use too much of it...just like a touch up
if u use too much and because u have olive skin tone it would be too dark for ur complexion
hope i helped in anywayHow should I do my hair and makeup for school?
Well you want to go for the most natural look possible.
So for makeup:
If you need it; foundation and a little face powder.
Add a little blush if you'd like.
Some mascara, and maybe a tad bit of liner.
A little chap stick and you're good to go.
Or you could substitute the liner for a nice brown or gold eye shadow.
For hair,
Simple curls or beachy waves should do fine.
A nice low neat ponytail with maybe a braid incorporated in it.
I usually just wear mine down or half up.
If the ends of your hair curl, just hold the straightener on them longer, they should be gone.
Remember the key to beauty is natural yet classy.(:
i'd stay with my natural hair :)
tryy a nice brown, no eyeliner and mascara
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